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Quality of Life

Sethome and Setwarp
Sethome as the name implies is a simple mechanism to create multiple home locations to which you can tp to at any time (unless currently in combat).
In comparrison Setwarps is for setting up warp points that other players can access and tp to. This can be set up with certain requirements, such as cost, certain members only, or a temporary warp for a certain amount of time.

Friends and Party System
We have a very elaborate Friends and Party System on our Server, which directly hooks into our Reputation System. In short our friends system is a simple way of adding players to your friends list or adding random players to a party in order to go fight without loosing reputation points for killing each other. It also shows which of your friends are currently online and how long others have been offline for.

Mob and Player Health Bars
You ever got into a fight and thought, how much more can this player handle, well now you know! this will help strategize your gameplay more against other players, or mobs.

Damage Indicators
Adding to the above we have damage indicators which show how much damage your swing actually did! Never miss a fully charged swing ever again!

I know plenty of us have built very nice sofas and then what happened? You couldnt even sit down. Well now you can! Sit on your couch, lay on your couch, bellyflop on it, spin on it do whatever you please!
Heck why not go on a piggyback ride with your friends!

Playing music
How about inserting a disc into someones jukebox just to end up rick rolling them? I know I would! So now you can craft endless Music disk with your favorite songs on them! Let the disco party begin!

Proximity voice chat
To add to the music above why not some proximity voice chat! Chat with fellow players or add some mental warfare into fights as you charge the enemy with your war cries!

You want to go to sleep and everyone in the server hops into bed except one player? I know everyone knows the frustrations. Now only half the server needs to hop into bed to sleep!

No mob griefing
Creeper just destroyed your house? Enderman stole your diamond block? Well not anymore! Mobs wont be able to grief your precious world anymore as long as you have it claimed (via towns)

Chat games
Chat can get a bit boring over time espeically if youre griending materials. To add a bit of spark we added chat games to the world chat such as unscrambling words! First player to succeed gets one whole silver shilling! (in-game currency)

Parrots will stay on your shoulder no matter what until you tell it to get off! No more jumping off after falling a block or flying with an elytra! You can even charge with your parrot into battle!

You ever wanted to know how many blocks you broke? or maybe how many hours you played? Maybe the distance you traveled is more interesting to you. Whatever statistics may interest you, we have em all for you to see!

And now for our most important change, drumroll please!

Main Release Compatibility!

Our Server is always compatible with the current main release! For example if our Server is 1.20.2 you can connect using 1.20 or 1.20.1! Perhaps we are a bit slow with updating all plugins and you are already using 1.20.3? no problem! Connect to our 1.20.2 server using your 1.20.3 client!